Select the best analyses using the 'classic' Fast Track method from Praat. Each formant is predicted using a regression model, and the analysis with the smallest . Generates identical output to the autoselect step in Praat, except for no regression information text files are written (for now).

  formants = NA,
  order = 5,
  n_formants = 4,
  outputpath = NA,
  subset = NA,
  progressbar = FALSE,
  write = TRUE



a list of formant data read in with the readformants function, or created using the trackformants function.


the order of the prediction model.


the number of formants to optimize for.


if NA, nothing is written out. If "working", data is written out to the working directory. Any other path may also be specified.


a vector indicating a subset of the analyses to be considered.


if TRUE, a progress bar prints out in the console.


if TRUE, an RDS file containing selection information is saved to the working directory.


An object of the class "selection_info". A list containing information about the selection of the winners. See the documentation for readselectioninfo for more information.


if (FALSE) { # load a previous analysis from Praat formants = readformants () # or load a previous analysis saved from R formants = readRDS ('formants.RDS') # or track the formants using R formants = trackformants () # keep results in R winners = autoselect.classic (formants, progressbar = TRUE) # generate Praat compliant data files winners = autoselect.classic (formants, outputpath="working") }